Rob and his lovely wife Gill have been visiting vintage fairs in London for years – all of the traders (myself included) look forward to their visits and we have long chats and laughs whilst they also do a bit of shopping…It was only recently that I found out Rob was super keen on photography and he had also just completed a shoot “Behind the Scenes” at London Fashion Week – you can see some of his shots over on his Instagram account @streetlifecatwalk. Rob kindly agreed to come to the fair at Wanstead and take some photographs of our lovely stallholders wares. This is just a short selection of some of his wonderful photographs.
Our next fair is 9 December so expect the same quality of items and our lovely friendly, knowledgeable stallholders.
Juliette from Red Cave brought this beauty to the June fair – it was snapped up within 10 minutes of the fair opening….so do try and come early!
Wanstead Vintage Fashion & Brocante Fair
Saturday 9 December 2017
11.00 am – 5.00 pm
Wanstead United Reformed Church, Nightingale Lane, Wanstead E11 2HD
Admission £2.50 – accompanied children under 14 free
£1.50 concessions OAP/NUS students
Early Bird entry at 9.30 am – £4.00
07860 214 009
Follow on Twitter @LoveVintageCary
wonderful fair , nice atmosphere and friendly people plus lots of lovely vintage frivolities i cannot wait to come again xxxx